The Glory of Easter!—Part 1

By Maria Fontaine

April 5, 2022

Quotations on the death and resurrection of Jesus

I cherish the memories I have of celebrating Easter as I grew up. Our church gathered every Easter morning on the top of a hill where we watched the sun rise, sang songs of praise, and thanked Jesus for having risen, bringing new, never-ending, transforming life. That life will continue to grow through our relationship with Him.

I believe that the Lord uses many things in nature to remind us of spiritual truths, like the sunrise reminds us of Christ’s resurrection from the darkness of death into the glory of a new dawn.

In celebration of Jesus’ wonderful gift of the resurrection, I’d like to share a few quotes with you from a variety of Christian authors on the subject.

Maria: We can hold on to the reassurance of God’s great love for each one of us, knowing that “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:37).

Maria: It was the resurrection that sent the disciples courageously into all the known world of their day, and the resurrection that helped the martyrs fearlessly face death. The resurrection of Jesus is the great motivator!

Maria: When we ponder the vast love and mercy that we have received from God through Jesus’ life on earth, His crucifixion and ultimate resurrection and victory over death and sin, how can we not praise Him, follow Him, trust Him, love Him, and tell others about Him?


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