Posts from September 2017

  • Jesus—His Life and Message: Discipleship (Part 3)

    In the previous article about discipleship, we looked at how Jesus made some strong statements about following Him. Jesus wanted to make clear that being His disciple came with a price, and the requirements weren’t easy. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • Jesus—His Life and Message: Discipleship (Part 2)

    Earlier in this series, Jesus’ call to His first disciples was covered. Throughout the Gospels, there are references to some disciples by name: the brothers Peter and Andrew, and James and John; ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • Take a Deep Breath

    One day I noticed that I was a bit short of breath when just doing normal, low-exertion activities. I was concerned, so I asked my ever-present Jesus what the cause of this was. (After following His suggestions, ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • Jesus—His Life and Message: Discipleship (Part 1)

    The Gospels tell us the story of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection, and they also address what He taught those who followed Him as disciples. Throughout the four Gospels we read about Jesus’ interactions with His followers, ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: The Call to Forgive

    Within the Gospels we read of Jesus being whipped, beaten, and then nailed to a cross. As He hung there, waiting to die, some of His last words were “Father, forgive them.”2 Forgiveness was His response to an unjust trial, ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • Cleaner Mouth, Better Health

    The Lord has been leading me to put a greater emphasis on an important area of my life—my physical health. Our bodies are, after all, the temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20). Just as we have to work to maintain our spiritual health ...

    by Maria Fontaine