A Blessed New Year
January 2, 2018
by Peter Amsterdam

A Blessed New Year
Dear Ones,
To me, each New Year’s Day feels like the beginning of a journey. It’s a time to think about how I’ve fared during the previous year’s journey which just ended, as well as my hopes, dreams, goals, and commitments for the next. Last year, I made a list of questions and statements which I’ve reviewed at the beginning of each month, and I’ve found it to be a helpful and challenging exercise. Since it was a good road map for that year’s journey, I intend to do the same again this year—perhaps with a few additions to focus on areas I’d like to grow in.
Whatever road map the Lord leads you to follow in your journey through 2018, Maria and I pray that it will be one which will help you to walk in the Lord’s presence. We pray that He will lead and guide you by His Holy Spirit and pour His blessings upon you.
We pray that your loved ones will prosper through the Lord’s blessing in their lives, and that our great protector will shelter and safeguard them from harm.
This year, like every year, will bring challenges. There may be some defeats and setbacks, difficult circumstances, sickness, or loss. Our prayer is that no matter what tests or trials you may face, you will reach out for and receive His grace and strength.
We pray for your safety, health, provision, and for those of you who are ill, your healing and God’s grace during the healing process. For those facing financial difficulties, we ask that the Lord will supply your every need.
May your year ahead be a wonderful journey which brings personal growth, progress toward your goals, and a deep and rich relationship with our Savior.
With much love and admiration,
Peter and Maria