Follow God at Christmas
December 15, 2011
by Maria Fontaine

Follow God at Christmas
Audio length: 2:43
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Hi, everyone,
Peter and I want to wish you a very happy Christmas.
As you’re so well aware, Christmas can be one of the most fruitful times of the year for ministering to others, because people are often more open to the message of Jesus. We’re hoping that this Christmas, as in times past, will be special for you as you reach out to those who need Jesus’ love.
Some of you have already been busy with witnessing, singing, ministering to the poor and needy, bringing the joy of Jesus to many. Others of you are having a quieter Christmas season as you focus on your family and friends, neighbors, or community. Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances, your Christmas can be fruitful as you share Jesus’ love with those He brings across your path, whether many or few.
Why not take a moment to reflect on how you can give to Jesus this Christmas? When you get down to thinking about it, I bet you’ll come up with a wealth of ideas. The Lord might lead you to give some of your time to work with others in your community, to help the poor. He might lead you to focus on a handful of new friends and help this Christmas to be a meaningful one for them. He might lead you to express a word of hope to someone, or someones. He might lead you to give a financial gift that would make all the difference in the world to someone and their family.
So don’t dismiss the ideas of things to do that Jesus puts on your heart, however small they might be. Follow Him by faith and do what He shows you to do. If you let Him lead you, you can be sure that you—and others—will have a wonderful Christmas.
Our prayer is that you’ll follow God again this Christmas season. As you do, you’ll be bringing His love, peace, warmth, and light into the lives of others.
Peter and I pray that you’ll have a beautiful Christmas.