A Personal Evaluation
February 25, 2011
by Maria Fontaine

A Personal Evaluation
Audio length: 3:46
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Someone was wondering how the Lord looked at them—how He saw them when He looked at their life, what His evaluation was. They didn’t feel so great about themselves or their accomplishments.
Here is what He told them. If this resonates in your heart and you can imagine Jesus saying this to you, then let this be an encouragement to you, too, because Jesus has enough love to go around. Or you can ask Him for His personal words just for you.
(Jesus:) Let Me tell you what I see when I look at you.
- I see My beloved child. As a parent gazes into the eyes of his child and feels nothing but love, so I look upon you. I feel such pride in seeing how you’ve grown from a babe to adulthood, and the wise and mature choices that you’ve made over the years.
- I see a yielded heart, one who has said yes to Me time and time again, even when you felt incapable or as if you didn’t have the strength to go on.
- I see a sacrificial life lived for Me. You’ve laid your all on the altar of sacrifice countless times, even though it cost you dearly.
- I see one who has been willing to follow Me no matter where I lead, who has had the faith to take the steps I charted for you, even though you often couldn’t clearly see the path ahead or what the final destination would be.
- I see an unselfish and giving soul, one who puts the needs of others before your own and gives even to your hurt.
- I see a humble vessel who has been willing to go through My refining fires so that I could make of you even finer gold, more priceless and precious than any other metal.
- I see one who is strong in faith, even though you may feel differently. Your faith has endured the test of time; you’ve stayed true to My calling, to the still, small voice speaking to your heart, to the fundamentals and the foundation principles that I’ve taught you these many years. I know that your faith is built on a solid rock and will not be easily tossed to and fro.
- I see My honored messenger. You’ve given your life to the cause of spreading My message of love to others so that they too can find the joy of My salvation.
When you’re tempted to wonder if your accomplishments have been valuable or whether you have lived your faith well, just remember that I see your life differently than the world does. I see the true values of your life that you and others may overlook or that may not be as plainly visible—qualities that make a character that is worthy of admiration, contributions that will live on in the lives of others and will continue to make a difference in the world.