Posts tagged 'compassion'

  • Virtues for Christ-Followers: Kindness

    The fifth fruit of the Spirit described in Galatians 5:22 is kindness. Kindness means loving words spoken and caring deeds done. It is having a compassionate heart and putting that compassion and love into action.

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • Thoughts on the King

    One question that could be asked regarding God’s gift of salvation is why God, who is all-powerful, had to send His beloved Son to earth to die for us in the greatest sacrifice of all time. Couldn’t He have just forgiven us ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Patience and Compassion

    I recently started reviewing the More Like Jesus series. I found it helpful to look up quotations from other sources, and I shared the first compilation of those with you in More Like Jesus—Reflections on Gratitude and Humility. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • The Stories Jesus Told: The Sheep and the …

    The parable of the sheep and the goats, referencing the Son of Man’s return, is one of three parables in Matthew 25. The other two are The Ten Virgins and The King and the Stewards,1 which is also known as The Talents and the Pounds. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Compassion

    When we read the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life, something that becomes abundantly clear is that Jesus showed compassion to others and taught that His followers should be compassionate as well. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • The Compassion Game

    It’s natural to make assumptions about people. Sadly, what we tend to assume is often something negative. Personally, I have seen how very easy it is to do this, and I continually pray that the Lord will stop me at the first thought of any kind of critical ...

    by Maria Fontaine