Posts tagged 'fruits of the spirit'
Virtues for Christ-Followers: Kindness
The fifth fruit of the Spirit described in Galatians 5:22 is kindness. Kindness means loving words spoken and caring deeds done. It is having a compassionate heart and putting that compassion and love into action.
by Peter Amsterdam
Virtues for Christ-Followers: Patience
God’s patience is found all throughout Scripture, and in the New Testament we are called to cultivate this virtue in our lives, as we learn to be patient as well.
by Peter Amsterdam
Virtues for Christ-Followers: Peace
As we place God at the center of our lives and we entrust our lives into His care, we experience His peace, which is a fruit of the presence of the Holy Spirit.
by Peter Amsterdam
Virtues for Christ-Followers: Joy
As Christians, our joy emanates from our faith in what the Bible has taught us. It is helpful to examine ourselves to see if we are living in the richness of the joy of the Lord.
by Peter Amsterdam
Virtues for Christ-Followers: Love
The following article illustrates the power of God’s love, and our great need for it.
by Peter Amsterdam
The Creed (Part 5)
After expressing Jesus’ deity as the Son of God, who is of the same essence as the Father, the creed then moves on to addressing Jesus’ humanity and the events of His life—the manner in which He died, His resurrection, ...
by Peter Amsterdam
More Like Jesus: Reflections on Kindness and Goodness
As we continue this series of quotations on the topics that were originally covered in the More Like Jesus series,1 the focus will be on kindness and goodness. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: The “I Am” Sayings
The Vine
Jesus’ final “I Am” saying, like His statement I am the way, and the truth, and the life, was spoken on the night before He died. Judas, who betrayed Him, had left the gathering, ...
by Peter Amsterdam
More Like Jesus: Kindness and Goodness
When the apostle Paul was writing about living a godly life, about living in and being led by the Holy Spirit, he listed what he called the “works of the flesh,” which included things like enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, and envy.1 ...
by Peter Amsterdam
More Like Jesus: Gentleness
One aspect of Christlikeness which is less frequently focused on than most is gentleness. Somewhat surprisingly, we find it mentioned throughout Scripture in reference to both Jesus and His Father. It is also included in the fruit of the Holy Spirit. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
More Like Jesus: Peace
Peace, one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, plays an important role in our becoming more like Jesus. It is rooted in our being in right relationship with God, which is possible because of His gift of salvation. Peace is also the outworking ...
by Peter Amsterdam
More Like Jesus: Patience
In the book of Exodus, we’re told that when Moses was on Mount Sinai, God revealed something of His character:
[Moses] rose early in the morning and went up on Mount Sinai … The Lord descended in the cloud ...
by Peter Amsterdam
More Like Jesus: Self-Control
In Galatians chapter five, the apostle Paul listed nine aspects of the fruit of the Spirit, beginning with love and ending with self-control. Part of building Christian character, of becoming more like Jesus, is having the ability to control ourselves ...
by Peter Amsterdam
I recently saw a TV show set in Great Britain during the early part of World War II. The Nazis had defeated France, and the British expected imminent invasion. For some, the uncertainty, the fear of the future ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam