Posts tagged 'peace'
Virtues for Christ-Followers: Peace
As we place God at the center of our lives and we entrust our lives into His care, we experience His peace, which is a fruit of the presence of the Holy Spirit.
by Peter Amsterdam
Better Days Ahead—Part 4
—Nurturing Mental and Emotional Well-being
It is wonderful to know that no matter what is going on in our lives, we can trust Jesus and look to Him to establish our thoughts and guide our steps. The Bible says ...
by Peter Amsterdam
More Like Jesus: Reflections on Peace
In the book of Galatians the apostle Paul lists the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and within that list is found peace. This peace is understood as an internal peace of heart, mind, and spirit which resides within Christians. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Perfect Peace
Biblical principles are timeless, because no matter what our circumstances or our age or the times we live in, they hold true as much today as ever. The Bible says that God wants to give us His perfect peace ...
by Maria Fontaine
It’s a Beautiful World!
As a young teen growing up, I lived in a very small town of about 500 people. I attended a school where there were six grades divided into three schoolrooms, with one teacher for each two grades. The teacher would be teaching half of the students ...
by Maria Fontaine
More Like Jesus: Peace
Peace, one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, plays an important role in our becoming more like Jesus. It is rooted in our being in right relationship with God, which is possible because of His gift of salvation. Peace is also the outworking ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Feeling Unsettled?
I read an article the other day which said that the most popular verses in the Bible are Philippians 4:6–7. In those verses, the apostle Paul instructs the church: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Christmas Shalom
One of the portions of the story of the Nativity which I find most beautiful, exciting, and meaningful is when the angel appeared to the shepherds and announced Jesus’ birth, followed by a multitude of ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam