Posts tagged 'reflection'

  • What Is Faith?

    Someone who loves Jesus, yet has faced many difficulties and hardships, told me that she couldn’t help but wonder whether, if she just had greater faith, perhaps she wouldn’t have so many troubles. ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • Growing in Perseverance

    Someone recently shared with me about some very traumatic experiences that they and their team were facing as they carried on in their mission efforts to help others. It started me thinking about just how important ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • Welcome, 2021!

    2020 has certainly been a year unlike any that most of us have experienced before. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted many aspects of our lives, causing unexpected difficulties, challenges, and hardship. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Love

    Love for Others

    As we come to the end of this More Like Jesus—Reflections series, the focus in this compilation is on loving others. When Jesus was asked which commandment was the greatest, ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Love

    God’s Love

    The topic of love is multifaceted, as it enters into various aspects of our lives: our relationship with God, with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Peace

    In the book of Galatians the apostle Paul lists the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and within that list is found peace. This peace is understood as an internal peace of heart, mind, and spirit which resides within Christians. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Forgiveness

    Forgiveness is at the heart of Christianity. Jesus was crucified and died on the cross so that we could be forgiven for our sins. Scripture teaches that as believers we are to reflect Jesus’s sacrifice by forgiving those who have hurt us. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Faithfulness and Holiness

    Two important aspects of living our Christian faith on a daily basis are faithfulness and holiness. Being faithful means being firm and not changing in one’s commitments, principles, or beliefs. Faithfulness is the act of remaining loyal ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Kindness and Goodness

    As we continue this series of quotations on the topics that were originally covered in the More Like Jesus series,1 the focus will be on kindness and goodness. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Gentleness and Joy

    In this seventh part of the “More Like Jesus—Reflections” series, I’m sharing quotations about two topics, gentleness and joy, which are both aspects of being Christlike, of reflecting the Lord to others. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Christlikeness

    As Christians, one of our primary goals is to emulate Jesus—to follow in His footsteps, to imitate His actions, attitudes, and faith and trust in His Father. Throughout the New Testament we find encouragement to emulate Him. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • An Excellent Gift

    What can you do to honor the King of the universe? What can you say to the King of our lives? What is a fitting gift to give the One who has given all to us? We know from many years of hearing His Word ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Hope

    Hope is one of the three virtues which the apostle Paul listed in 1 Corinthians 13:13:

    Now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.1 ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Christian Character

    In this fourth compilation of the More Like Jesus—Reflections series, only one topic, Christian character, will be addressed, rather than the usual two topics. As Christians, we are new creations1 in whom the Holy Spirit dwells; ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Self-Control and Honesty

    A short while ago I started reviewing the More Like Jesus series. I found it helpful to look up quotations from other sources, and I have shared two compilations so far: Reflections on Gratitude and Humility ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Patience and Compassion

    I recently started reviewing the More Like Jesus series. I found it helpful to look up quotations from other sources, and I shared the first compilation of those with you in More Like Jesus—Reflections on Gratitude and Humility. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • More Like Jesus: Reflections on Gratitude and Humility

    Lately I have been reviewing the More Like Jesus series, as I felt it might be a good way for me to have a “spiritual checkup” to gauge whether my words, thoughts, decisions, and interactions with others have been aligned with Jesus’ teachings. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • It’s a Beautiful World!

    As a young teen growing up, I lived in a very small town of about 500 people. I attended a school where there were six grades divided into three schoolrooms, with one teacher for each two grades. The teacher would be teaching half of the students ...

    by Maria Fontaine