Posts tagged 'story of ruth'

  • The Story of Ruth (Part 4)

    In the previous article we saw that Boaz had agreed to be Ruth’s redeemer by marrying her, so that she could bear a son who would be considered the son of her first husband, Mahlon. However, there was another redeemer ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • The Story of Ruth (Part 3)

    At the end of the previous article, Boaz had told Ruth that she was welcome to glean in his fields until they were fully harvested. She continued working with the women in his fields through both the barley and the wheat harvests, ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • The Story of Ruth (Part 2)

    Naomi, the Jewish woman whose husband and two sons died in Moab, decided she would return to Bethlehem, where she was originally from. Orpah and Ruth, the two Moabite wives of her deceased sons, went with her ...

    by Peter Amsterdam

  • The Story of Ruth (Part 1)

    The book of Ruth is one of the historical books in the Old Testament and is placed between the books of Judges and 1 Samuel. It was written in Hebrew, sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BC. ...

    by Peter Amsterdam