Posts tagged 'video'
The Stories Jesus Told: The Two Builders, Matthew …
Within the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told His disciples a parable designed to drive home the importance of doing what He taught.
(Video and audio included.) ...
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Sower and the …
In the first part of the parable of the sower and the seed, Jesus told the parable itself to the crowds who had come to hear Him teach. ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Sower and the …
The parable of the sower is one of four parables told in all three Synoptic Gospels.1 It can be found in Matthew 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8. ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Wheat and the …
The parable of the wheat and the weeds, which only appears in the Gospel of Matthew, shares some similarities with the parable of the seed growing1 in Mark chapter 4 in terms of vocabulary used and ideas expressed, but it is also significantly different. ...(Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Treasure and the …
The Gospel of Matthew contains two short kingdom parables, “The Treasure in the Field” and “The Pearl of Great Price,” which are absent from the other Gospels. These are twin parables which teach about the value ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Seeds and the …
Some time after being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus began to preach that the kingdom of heaven was at hand.1 The phrase “kingdom of heaven” is interchangeable with ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Father and the …
This third parable in Luke chapter 15 is a continuation of Jesus’response to the scribes and Pharisees’ criticism of His keeping company with sinners. He began by telling the twin parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin, ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Lost and Found, …
In Luke, chapter 15, Jesus beautifully expresses the heart of God in regard to salvation and restoration. He defends His association with sinners and challenges the attitudes of those .. (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The King and the …
The Gospels of Matthew and Luke both tell the story of a wealthy man who was preparing for an extended absence, and who gave his servants sums of money to manage on ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Unjust Steward, Luke …
This is the third of three parables which speak about the use of finances and possessions. The first was the rich fool. The second, the rich man and Lazarus. This parable, ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Rich Man and …
The story of the rich man and Lazarus is another of the stories Jesus told regarding the proper attitude toward wealth and its use. The parable of the rich fool (which I spoke about earlier) and the parable ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Rich Fool, Luke …
The parable of the rich fool is one of three parables which we’ll cover in consecutive segments of The Stories Jesus Told, all of which touch on wealth and personal possessions. ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Compassionate Employer, Matthew …
This parable, like others Jesus told, starts with the words “For the kingdom of heaven is like…” This phrase tells the listener that Jesus ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Unjust Judge, Luke …
The parable of the unjust judge, often called the story of the importunate woman, is a parable about prayer. It’s sometimes referred to as the “twin” of the parable of the friend at midnight, ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Friend at Midnight …
The Gospels provide us with some foundational teachings about prayer through both the examples of Jesus praying and what He taught about prayer. In the third Gospel, ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Two Debtors, Luke …
The parable of the two debtors, or as it’s sometimes referred to, the parable of the Pharisee and the sinful woman, is told in Luke 7:36–50. This is a beautiful story of love, mercy, and thanksgiving. ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Pharisee and the …
The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is only recounted in the book of Luke, chapter 18, verses 9–14. Among other things, this parable touches on the basic ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Facing Disappointment
In each of our lives there have been times when we’ve felt that bitter sting of disappointment. When it occurs, it’s so hard to bear. The Bible says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” Hope deferred, or disappointment, is ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Good Samaritan, Luke …
Many of us are familiar with the parable of the good Samaritan. However, because we live in cultures very different from that of ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: Introduction
Jesus was an incredible teacher. His words, backed up by His actions, changed countless lives during His ministry on earth and have continued to do so for two millennia. ... (Video and audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam