Posts tagged 'core values'
Coffee and a Hug?
Tony Campolo, popular Christian author, speaker, and sociologist, told of an encounter he had as he was walking in downtown Philadelphia: “I noticed a bum walking toward me. He was covered with dirt and soot from head to toe. ...
by Maria Fontaine
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Preach Him
We have finished covering the second element of discipleship, Live Him, and nine principles connected to it: Abiding in Jesus, Love, Unity, Humility, Non-Anxiety, Forgiveness, Fellowship, ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Follow God at Christmas
Hi, everyone,
Peter and I want to wish you a very happy Christmas. As you’re so well aware, Christmas can be one of the most fruitful times of the year for ministering to others, because people ... (Audio included.)
by Maria Fontaine
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Live Him, Part 5
The last of the principles I’ll present under Live Him—the Prayer Principle—is one that interconnects with virtually all the other Live Him principles, and is central to our Christian lives. ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Live Him, Part 4
The last three sections of the series covered seven of nine principles that are connected to Live Him—the Abiding, Love, Unity, Humility, Non-Anxiety, Forgiveness, and Fellowship ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Live Him, Part 3
In this article we continue looking at some of the principles which are connected to Live Him.
The Forgiveness Principle The Forgiveness Principle is of great importance ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
The Bag Lady
It’s only human to judge people and things by what our eyes see. That’s why Jesus had to admonish us to “judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.”[1] In other words, Jesus is telling us ...
by Maria Fontaine
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Live Him, Part 2
We are continuing our discussion of the Live Him element of being a disciple. We’ve covered three principles already—the Abiding Principle, the Love Principle, and the Unity Principle ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Live Him, Part 1
In the last article we covered the first element of being a disciple: Love Him. In this one we move on to the second element: Live Him. Part of the definition of a disciple is ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Love Him
In the first article of this series I explained that I’m approaching discipleship through four basic elements to being a disciple—Love Him, Live Him, Preach Him, Teach Him—and I ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Two Parties
I want to share with you two stories about two unusual parties. In attendance at both was a most powerful Personage, who, through the hand of one of His representatives, Tony Campolo, bestowed on the partygoers ...
by Maria Fontaine
Building Our Personal Eternity
Someone mentioned to me recently that since they’ve devoted a lot of their life to focusing on spiritual things in their many years in missionary work for the Lord ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love in the Parking Lot
You know, parking lots at midnight can be very romantic. I bet a lot of you know that from experience. But in this instance I’m not talking about what we used to do when we were teens in our cars in the parking lot. I’m talking about ... (Audio included.)
by Maria Fontaine
Be Like Jesus
Every so often I like to think and pray about the application of Jesus’ teachings in my life, as I feel it’s a wise thing to do. Recently I was meditating on how to more effectively apply my faith in my daily life. ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Living With Meaning: Hardly Anything or Everything?
Mother Teresa once said, “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” How true! A few simple words, spoken by unassuming people, yet filled with the Lord’s Spirit and love, can reverberate ...
by Maria Fontaine
Living With Meaning: Be a Giver of Kindness
Everyone craves encouragement. I believe that God wants to encourage people, but a lot of times He needs us to do it. And, believe it or not, we do have what others need. We have God’s love—that is powerful! ...
by Maria Fontaine
The Heart of It All: Introduction
Something that I find particularly wonderful about Jesus is that His life-transforming gift of salvation is freely given to anyone who simply asks for it with a sincere and believing heart. One’s level of understanding ...
(Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Wealthy and Responsible
A sad part of my day is when I listen to the news. Almost everything is about people in the world who are faced with some very terrible situations. Not only non-Christians, but many Christians ... (Audio included.)
by Maria Fontaine
The Other Side of the Equation
In my previous article, I wrote about the importance of forgiveness—bringing out the point that if someone sins against you, you must forgive them if you want to be forgiven by God. ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
No Bankruptcy
When I think about those whom I look up to and see as my role models, they’re all people—known or unknown—who have chosen lives of sacrifice and service so that others would come to know the Lord ... (Audio included.)
by Maria Fontaine
Merry Christmas 2010!
Happy, happy Christmas, dear Family! This is the special day, the special Baby, the special Man, the special event, the special love that binds us together with each other—and indeed with all Christians worldwide ... (Audio included.)
by Maria Fontaine
The Red Truck
When most of us who know Jesus think about Christmas, we think of God making the greatest sacrifice, giving the greatest gift, sharing the greatest love, in sending His Son, Jesus. God did all that in delivering His great love gift ...
by Maria Fontaine
Are You Santa Claus?
It’s Christmastime—such a wonderful time of the year! I love it when it comes around every year, because as Christmas approaches, people tend to appreciate others more. They’re more aware of the importance ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
More from My Faith Treasure Chest
I recently wrote in “Three Items in My Treasure Chest” about three things that help me to stay focused on faith and that help me to find encouragement in tough times. They were: ... (Audio included.)
by Maria Fontaine
I recently saw a TV show set in Great Britain during the early part of World War II. The Nazis had defeated France, and the British expected imminent invasion. For some, the uncertainty, the fear of the future ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
How Much Does God Care?
Recently, within the span of a week, I heard three different people say three different but connected things which got me thinking about God’s interaction and participation in my life. Person one said that he didn’t know if God ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam