Posts tagged 'discipleship'
1 Corinthians: Chapter 9 (verses 18–27)
This article will cover the second half of 1 Corinthians 9.
by Peter Amsterdam
2 Thessalonians: Chapter 3 (Part 1)
This third chapter of 2 Thessalonians is the final chapter of Paul’s epistles to the Thessalonian believers.
Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you, ...
by Peter Amsterdam
2 Thessalonians: Chapter 1
The second letter to the Thessalonians was probably written around AD 51–52, shortly after 1 Thessalonians. Like 1 Thessalonians, the authors were Paul, Silvanus (Silas), and Timothy, and the recipients were the church ...
by Peter Amsterdam
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5 (Part 2)
Having responded to the Thessalonians’ questions regarding love amongst the believers, what happens to the dead in Christ, and the timing of the day of the Lord, Paul moved on to speak about leadership in the Thessalonian church. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
1 Thessalonians: Chapter 2 (Part 2)
In the first part of chapter 2 of 1 Thessalonians, Paul had reminded the Thessalonian Christians that he and his companions did not seek glory and they didn’t make any demands of these new Christians. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: The End of the …
Previously, the Gospel of John told of some of the disciples going fishing in the Sea of Tiberias, also known as the Sea of Galilee. After a night’s fishing, they caught nothing. Jesus, who was on the shore, instructed them to cast their net ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Final Appearances of Jesus …
The Long Ending of Mark
In the last chapter of the book of Mark (Mark 16), we read that Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome brought spices to Jesus’ tomb in order to anoint Him.1 ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Final Appearances of Jesus …
Each Synoptic Gospel1 ends by describing Jesus’ final interactions with His disciples, followed by His ascension into heaven. Those accounts will be covered, Gospel by Gospel, in this and the next few upcoming articles. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: The Resurrection (Part 4)
In the previous article we read about two disciples, Cleopas and an unnamed companion, who were walking to Emmaus with Jesus (whom they didn’t recognize). They expressed their disappointment ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: John 17: Jesus’ Prayer …
Jesus’ prayer for His disciples, which we started going over in the previous article, continues on to the end of John 17. In verse 12, Jesus’ prayer referred to His disciples—saying that He had kept them, had guarded them, ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: John 17: Jesus’ Prayer …
Having told His disciples that He was going away to “Him that sent me” (John 16:5), and that the Helper—the Holy Spirit—would come to guide them into all truth (John 16:13), Jesus then began to pray to the Father. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: John 15: If the …
Earlier in John chapter 15, Jesus told His disciples that they were His friends. He reminded them that He had told them everything He had heard from His Father, that He had chosen and appointed them, ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: John 15: Abide in …
At the end of John chapter 14, Jesus informed His disciples that He was going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. And now I have told you before it takes place, so that when it does take place you may believe.1...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: John 14: The Helper
John chapter 14, which we started going over in the previous article, continues with Jesus speaking to His disciples just prior to His arrest and trial. Earlier, He had spoken to them about believing in Him. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Washing the Disciples’ Feet …
The previous article ended with Jesus stating, “Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me.”1 We were also told that His disciples were uncertain of whom He spoke.2 This news took them by surprise. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Washing the Disciples' Feet …
In the previous article,1 we read how, as Jesus was washing the feet of His disciples, the apostle Peter objected to having Him wash his feet. In response, Jesus said to Peter, You are clean, but not every one of you,2...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: The Greeks
The Gospel of John tells of an event, just prior to the passion and death of Jesus, which is not included in the synoptic Gospels.1 It describes Jesus’ encounter with some Greeks who desired to see Him. It is significant ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: The Sons of Zebedee
Each of the Synoptic Gospels1 gives an account of a request that two of the disciples, James and John, who were brothers, made to Jesus.2 We’ll focus on the account in the Gospel of Mark, and points will be brought in from the Gospel of Matthew. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Jesus and the Scribe
Jesus’ interaction with a particular scribe who was favorably impressed by His teaching is recounted in all three synoptic Gospels.1 The focus here will be on the version found in the Gospel of Mark. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Jesus and the Children
Each of the three synoptic Gospels—Matthew, Mark, and Luke—tells of Jesus’ interaction with children who were brought to Him to receive His blessing. The account in the Gospel of Luke will be the focus here, ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: A Brother’s Sin
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus taught His disciples what to do when one disciple/believer sins against another. In any community of believers, there will be times when one believer wrongs another. It is inevitable, ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: The Charge to the …
All three Synoptic Gospels1 include the account of Jesus sending out His disciples on a mission trip.2 He gave them instructions regarding what to preach, what not to take with them, and where to stay. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Women Supporters and Disciples
In chapter 7 of the Gospel of Luke we read the account of a sinful woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair, then anointed His feet with costly ointment.1 Directly following this, in the next chapter, ...
by Peter Amsterdam
The Creed (Part 10)
Having covered God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the creed moves on to the last four vital Christian beliefs. It states:
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church.
We affirm one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Peter’s Rebuke
In the previous article, we read about how in Matthew chapter 16 Simon Peter profoundly responded to Jesus’ question, “Who do you say that I am?”1 He stated: “You are the Christ [the Messiah], ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Peter’s Profession of Faith
As Jesus’ disciples lived with Him, learned from Him, and witnessed the miracles He performed, over time they developed an understanding that Jesus was the long-awaited promised Messiah. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Six Sayings (Luke 12:1–10)
In the beginning of Luke chapter 12, we read that thousands of people were gathered together to hear Jesus. In their presence, He gave instruction to His disciples in the form of six sayings. While others could hear ...
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: The Faithful and Unfaithful …
The parable of the faithful and unfaithful servant is told in two of the Gospels—Matthew and Luke. Both versions are very similar, with minor variations. The focus here will be on the account in the 24th chapter of Matthew. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
The Stories Jesus Told: Counting the Cost, Luke …
Two Discipleship Parables
Chapter 14 of the Gospel of Luke contains some of Jesus’ most difficult sayings regarding discipleship. It includes the parable of the great banquet,1 which speaks ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Discipleship (Part 6)
As we’ve seen in the five previous articles regarding discipleship, Jesus taught that believing in and following Him call for a reorientation of our priorities so that God has our primary allegiance. Our family, loved ones, desires, possessions, ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Discipleship (Part 5)
In the four previous articles about discipleship, we looked at how following Jesus calls for reorienting our lives to give Him priority in our loyalties, personal relationships, possessions, and desires. Now we will look at how Jesus ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Discipleship (Part 4)
In looking at what Jesus said about believing and living His teachings as a disciple, it becomes evident that true belief in Him calls for modifying our priorities. As seen in earlier articles on this topic, Jesus said that believers are called to be loyal ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Discipleship (Part 3)
In the previous article about discipleship, we looked at how Jesus made some strong statements about following Him. Jesus wanted to make clear that being His disciple came with a price, and the requirements weren’t easy. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Discipleship (Part 2)
Earlier in this series, Jesus’ call to His first disciples was covered. Throughout the Gospels, there are references to some disciples by name: the brothers Peter and Andrew, and James and John; ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Jesus—His Life and Message: Discipleship (Part 1)
The Gospels tell us the story of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection, and they also address what He taught those who followed Him as disciples. Throughout the four Gospels we read about Jesus’ interactions with His followers, ...
by Peter Amsterdam
The Reality of Greatness
Someone I was communicating with mentioned the “greats” of Christianity. Although I’ve used this term—I think we all have—and I greatly admire those who the Lord has placed in the public eye to be examples, I felt the Lord wanted to give me some further understanding of how He looks at greatness. ...
by Maria Fontaine
Jesus—His Life and Message: The Disciples (Part 2)
During His ministry, Jesus chose and commissioned twelve of His disciples to be apostles. The Gospel of Luke tells it this way:
In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued ...
by Peter Amsterdam
The Spiritual Disciplines: Learning
Learning is something that we do throughout our lives and it enhances our lives in various ways. We learn through studying, as well as experience. Schooling in our younger years teaches us the basics ...
(Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Conclusion
In speaking about the four elements of being a disciple—Love Him, Live Him, Preach Him, Teach Him—my focus has been on the principles of being an active Christian, a disciple of Christ. ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Teach Him
We’ve covered the first three elements of discipleship: Love Him, Live Him, and Preach Him. Now we’ll discuss the last element: Teach Him. Teaching Him has to do with the continuance ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Live Him, Part 5
The last of the principles I’ll present under Live Him—the Prayer Principle—is one that interconnects with virtually all the other Live Him principles, and is central to our Christian lives. ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Live Him, Part 4
The last three sections of the series covered seven of nine principles that are connected to Live Him—the Abiding, Love, Unity, Humility, Non-Anxiety, Forgiveness, and Fellowship ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Live Him, Part 3
In this article we continue looking at some of the principles which are connected to Live Him.
The Forgiveness Principle The Forgiveness Principle is of great importance ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Live Him, Part 2
We are continuing our discussion of the Live Him element of being a disciple. We’ve covered three principles already—the Abiding Principle, the Love Principle, and the Unity Principle ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Live Him, Part 1
In the last article we covered the first element of being a disciple: Love Him. In this one we move on to the second element: Live Him. Part of the definition of a disciple is ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Love Him
In the first article of this series I explained that I’m approaching discipleship through four basic elements to being a disciple—Love Him, Live Him, Preach Him, Teach Him—and I ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam
Love. Live. Preach. Teach.—Introduction
This series of articles grew out of talks that I gave throughout 2011. Throughout the articles I will be quoting a number of Bible verses.[1] These are the words that ... (Audio included.)
by Peter Amsterdam