Posts tagged 'from jesus'

  • A Taxi and a Card

    On this particular day, I had an important appointment scheduled that couldn’t be changed. At the last minute a series of complications arose that left me with no transportation. It also turned out to be a difficult time of day ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • Smiles Man

    I had just said goodbye to the doctor, paid my bill, and was hurrying out of the clinic, hoping that I wasn’t keeping my ride waiting. All of a sudden the Lord stopped me abruptly! I immediately knew why. I had forgotten something! ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • Soaring Above

    If you ever feel guilt, remorse, condemnation, or self-blame in any way, the following message may offer you hope.

    As you read this, remember that you are loved unconditionally, no matter what your situation. ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • Victory in Tough Times

    I was asking Jesus how I could encourage you about any difficulties that you (or a friend or loved one) may be experiencing. The Lord said that, first of all, I should remind you about the life to come. ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • Celebrating Life!

    Easter is a time when we look back to the most powerful event in the history of mankind. We see God’s supernatural, undeserved love for us being expressed through Christ’s death on the cross and His glorious resurrection. ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • The Ultimate Expert

    The Lord gave me a little illustration about my prayers the other day. It came in response to my seeking His help regarding a situation that needed His spiritual solutions that were beyond what I could do. ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • You Just Never Know

    One Christmas, Peter and I were traveling and needed to be in a hotel for a couple of days. Arriving early, we were told that our room wasn’t ready yet. Disappointed and very tired, we thought we would have to wait a couple of hours. ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • Just Doing It

    Some time ago I was talking to my ever-present Friend about some problems that I was having. One problem seemed to lead to another. First of all, I was so very tired all the time. Being tired constantly prevented me from getting all my writing ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • Take a Deep Breath

    One day I noticed that I was a bit short of breath when just doing normal, low-exertion activities. I was concerned, so I asked my ever-present Jesus what the cause of this was. (After following His suggestions, ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • Listening Dividends

    A while back I posted an article about one of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone—the gift of listening—and why this gift is so valuable to the one being listened to. In this article I want to present another aspect ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • The Inter-Dimensional Web

    Virtually everyone is familiar with the Internet and how interconnected it has made people the world over. Have you considered that as a Christian, you are spiritually interconnected with other believers in an even greater way, through a ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • Meeting Len

    While taking a much-needed break, Peter and I drove to another city where we planned to spend a few days to rest and enjoy the local sights. Arriving later than planned and finding that navigating the complicated streets of the ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • Good Food and Friendship

    One of Peter’s hobbies is cooking, although he’s never had a lot of time to devote to it. Now it’s turning out to be a wonderful tool in our ministering to others. The Lord recently reminded me how often He had dinner with people ...

    by Maria Fontaine

  • The Rock

    Maria and I recently returned from a trip to Switzerland for a yearly foundation board meeting as well as other TFI-related business meetings. While there, I would often look out the window at the beautiful lake and surrounding mountains, ...

    by Peter Amsterdam