Posts tagged 'stealing'
Living Christianity: The Ten Commandments (You Shall Not …
Why Work?
The previous article in this series addressed the topic of work. It showed how, before sin entered the world, God instructed Adam and Eve to work ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Living Christianity: The Ten Commandments (You Shall Not …
The eighth commandment, you shall not steal, addresses the protection of property by commanding that what belongs to one person must not be stolen by another. ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Living Christianity: The Ten Commandments (You Shall Not …
As explained in the introductory article about the eighth commandment, you shall not steal, God is the ultimate owner of all that exists, ...
by Peter Amsterdam
Living Christianity: The Ten Commandments (You Shall Not …
The eighth commandment states, You shall not steal.4 Like the other commandments, this short statement is like the title of a subdirectory which opens up to a number of topics, ...
by Peter Amsterdam